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Welcome to our Selling Tips and Tricks.

To assist in the success of your Garage Sale, we provide tips and tricks that don't have to be hard or even expensive - but do help you maximise your garage sale result!

This article will provide 10 tips on how to manage the rising costs of living. From budgeting basics to using online marketplaces like GarageSaleIt, this guide covers it all.
Wondering what an online garage sale is and how to hold one? This is the place to be. The ultimate guide to selling and buying from the comfort of home.
Learn how a virtual garage sale is a great way to get the best of both worlds: the excitement of the garage sale and the comfort of home.
Welcome to the thrilling world of decluttering & organizing! It doesn't sound exciting does it? GarageSaleIt will change your mind.
We identify the 8 best benefits of an online garage sale.  Find out about a convenient and environmentally friendly way to shop and sell all your used goods.
This Room-by-Room guide gives you the strategies to decluttering to help you feel calm and organised whilst maximizing your GarageSaleIt sales.
GarageSaleIt is the leading online marketplace of pre-loved products. We have introduced a feature that is innovative called the ReUse Calculator.  This powerful tool is not only a great way to help buyers and sellers better understand the environmental impact of their actions, but it also helps promote the circular economic system.
We'll examine the top 10 second-hand products based upon consumer preferences and current market trends.
This video explains how to use GarageSaleIt to fundraise and help your community, school, sports club or even local charity!
This video highlights how simple and easy opening an Online Charity Store is with GarageSaleIt.
Declutter your whole house and convert your stuff into cash!
GarageSaleIt provides a simple and easy way to getting your home ready to sell or move!  Check it out!