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Decluttering your Rooms - How To Guide


How to De-clutter: A Room by Room Guide to Selling 

GSI_house_emoji As you walk around your home, are you feeling calm or overwhelmed by clutter and mess?

Do not worry if you are the latter! GarageSaleIt will help you convert your unwanted items to cash.


GSI_cool_dude_emoji How and Why to Declutter

Before we begin, let's discuss why decluttering your space is worthwhile. Decluttering your home can not only give it a more organized look, but also help you reduce stress, boost productivity and make some money by selling your unwanted items.

Collect three boxes with the labels:

1. Sell

2. Donate to a cause

3. Trash

Now, let's begin our decluttering journey!


GSI_living_room_emoji The Living Room: Unleashing Hidden Treasures

Your living room contains a wealth of valuable items. GarageSaleIt's 'Living Room category' allows you to sell items such as DVDs, books and decorative pieces. Don't forget to dust everything off and show them off in the best light possible!


GSI_kitchen_emoji  The Kitchen: Home to where Gadgets Gather

Over the years you might have accumulated appliances which are now collecting dust. Your KitchenAid you only used once? You have an extra toaster-oven? GarageSaleIt lets you categorize the items under 'Kitchen,' so they can find a new home.


GSI_bedroom_emoji The Bedroom - Where Fast Fashion Fades

Clothes you no longer wear or that don't suit your style anymore can be given to new owners. GarageSaleIt's 'Bedroom category' can help you sell items like high-quality clothing, jewelry and makeup, as well as furniture, such a bedside table.


GSI_garage_emoji GSI_garage2_emoji The Garage: A Goldmine of Goods

You might find that your garage is a popular place for unwanted items. GarageSaleIt has a section called 'Garage,' where you can sell everything from tools to sports gear to old auto parts.


GSI_kids_room_emoji The Children's Room - Outgrown, but not outdated

Since children grow out of things so quickly, they can be a goldmine. GarageSaleIt's 'Children's Room' can include clothes, toys and books in good shape.


GSI_office_emoji The Technology in the Office that still ticks

Sellable items in your office include old printers and laptops. GarageSaleIt allows you to list these items in the "Office" section. Be sure to erase any personal information from devices before selling.


GSI_bathroom_emoji The Bathroom: Beauty Bounty

It's likely that you own unopened products or items in good condition. GarageSaleIt's 'Bathroom category' can help you find a new home for these items.


GSI_leverage_tools_emoji Leverage GarageSaleIt's Unique Features

GarageSaleIt is unique in that it categorizes items by room, which makes it easier for both buyers and sellers to find the right item. You don't need to bargain with buyers. Just set the price and let the platform handle the rest.


Keep the Cycle Moving

Do not stop decluttering and selling your unwanted items. Regularly evaluate what you are using and what just takes up space. GarageSaleIt can help you turn your clutter into cash by making decluttering an everyday habit.

Every item sold means less waste in landfills, so this is a great way to make money and be eco-friendly. Ready to declutter? GarageSaleIt will help you simplify and profit from your life.

Have fun decluttering!